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Programs of Developmental Law

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the increase of job opportunities
increase competitiveness
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New development law enacted 4887/2022

On 2 February 2022, the Greek parliament passed the new development law proposed by the Ministry of Development & Investments (Law 4887/2022, Government Gazette A' 16/04-02-2022). The new law, entitled "Development Law—Greece Strong Growth," aims to promote the economic development of the country by granting incentives for specific activities and sectors so as to achieve the following goals:

  1. Digital and technological transformation of enterprises;
  2. Green transition;
  3. Creation of economies of scale;
  4. Implementation of innovative investments, especially the introduction of new “Industry 4.0” technologies, robotics, and artificial intelligence;
  5. Enhancement of highly skilled employment;
  6. Support of new entrepreneurship;
  7. Support of less-favored areas of the country and areas included in the Just Transition Development Plan (JTDP);
  8. Further enhancement of tourism; and
  9. Competitiveness in sectors with high added value.

The new law’s state aid incentives include:

  1. Tax exemptions;
  2. Cash grants;
  3. Leasing subsidies;
  4. Subsidies for costs incurred to create employment; and
  5. Financing of business risk.

A summary of the main features of the new development law is presented below.

Structure of Law 4887/2022

The new development law provides a framework on which several state aid schemes will be based. The foundation of the law is the EU General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) 651/2014 (L 187/1 26-6-2014), thus guaranteeing ex-ante compliance with EU state aid rules.

The state aid schemes established by Law 4887/2022 are:

  1. Digital and technological transformation of enterprises
  2. Green transition—Environmental upgrade of enterprises
  3. New business
  4. Just transition
  5. Research and applied innovation
  6. Agrofood—Primary production and processing of agricultural products—Fisheries—Aquaculture
  7. Manufacturing—Supply chain
  8. Business extroversion
  9. Aid for investments in tourism
  10. Alternative tourism
  11. Large investments
  12. European value chains
  13. 360o entrepreneurship

The purpose, beneficiaries, eligible expenditure, type of aid to be granted, aid intensity, and evaluation process of each state aid scheme is detailed below.

1. Digital and technological transformation of enterprises

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to strengthen investment plans that promote digital and technological transformation, as well as the use of "Industry 4.0" technologies, and upgrade the relevant skills of human resources.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)s (for new SMEs only);
  2. Innovation aid for SMEs;
  3. Aid for process and organizational innovation for SMEs and large enterprises;
  4. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  5. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  6. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources and production of energy from renewable sources;
  7. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites; and
  8. Training aid.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted. 

For medium-sized and large enterprises the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

2. Green transition—Environmental upgrade of enterprises

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support investment plans related to activities in the circular economy and sustainable development and adopt technologies that contribute to the protection of the environment and the energy upgrading of business units.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources and production of energy from renewable sources;
  4. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  5. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  6. Training aid; and
  7. Aid for environmental protection.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted. 

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

3. New business

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to strengthen new businesses operating in specific sectors of the economy and to cover the costs of setting up companies and carrying out research activities, as well as the costs of initial investments.

Beneficiaries are micro and small enterprises under establishment that will be active in primary production, processing of agricultural products, fisheries, aquaculture, research and applied innovation, digital and technological transformation, processing of non-agricultural products and supply chain, and whose share capital is owned only by natural persons who:

  1. Have no previous participation in companies, except for holding shares of companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX);
  2. Have not had any previous business activity; and
  3. Meet the income criteria specified in the relevant notices.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for startups;
  3. Innovation aid for SMEs;
  4. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  5. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  6. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  7. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  8. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  9. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization; and
  10. Training aid.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted

Financing of business risk implemented through a participation fund and taking the following forms, in accordance with article 21 of the GBER 651/2014:

  • Own funds, quasi-equity, or investment sponsorship to provide risk finance investments, directly or indirectly, to eligible undertakings; or
  • Loans for the provision of risk finance investments, directly or indirectly, to eligible undertakings.
Aid intensity The aid rates for eligible expenditures of initial investments are granted at 100% of the regional aid map rate. The amount of aid that may be granted to each investment plan is capped at EUR 5 million.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

4. Just transition

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support investment plans implemented in the areas of the Territorial Just Transition Plans accompanying the Just Development Transition Program, with the aim of enabling these areas to address the social, employment, economic, and environmental impacts of the transition towards a climate-neutral economy and to achieve balanced and sustainable development.

Investment plans implemented in the areas of Territorial Just Transition Plans and included in the following activities of article 8 of Regulation 2021/1056 establishing the Just Transition Fund:

  1. Productive investments in SMEs, including startups, leading to economic diversification, modernization, and conversion;
  2. Investments in the creation of new businesses leading to job creation;
  3. Investments in research and innovation activities and investments to promote the transfer of advanced technologies;
  4. Investments in the development of technology, as well as in systems and infrastructure for affordable clean energy, including energy storage technologies, and investments that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  5. Investments in energy from renewable sources in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the EU Council, including the sustainability criteria set out therein, and in energy efficiency;
  6. Investments in digital innovation and digital connectivity; and
  7. investments in strengthening the circular economy, including through waste prevention and reduction, resource efficiency, reuse, repair, and recycling.

The beneficiaries of the scheme are:

  • Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises; and
  • Large enterprises for productive investments, but only if these investments are necessary for the implementation of the Territorial Just Transition Plans, if they contribute to the transition to a climate-neutral economy within the EU by year 2050 and to the achievement of relevant environmental objectives, and if they are necessary for the creation of jobs in the identified territory and do not lead to relocation.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Innovation aid for SMEs;
  3. Aid for process and organizational innovation for SMEs and large enterprises;
  4. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  5. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources and production of energy from renewable sources;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated site;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization; and
  8. Training aid.  
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment.
Aid intensity The aid rates for the eligible expenditures of initial investments may be granted up to the ceilings of the regional aid map intensities, as specifically defined in the tendering decision. The amount of aid that may be granted to each investment plan will not exceed the set limits of each category of eligible expenditures of the GBER, as specifically defined in the tendering decision, depending on the size of the enterprise, the type of investment plan, the eligible costs, and the specific area of implementation.
Evaluation process

Applications for inclusion must be submitted to the General Directorate of Private Investments of the General Secretariat for Private Investments and Public-Private Partnerships within the Ministry of Development and Investments, which exercises the responsibilities of an Intermediate Management Body in application of the institutional framework of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2021-2027.

Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

5. Research and applied innovation

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to strengthen investment plans that promote research and promote the development and application of ideas and technologies that improve goods and services and make production more efficient.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan that contributes to the development of technology or the provision of services through technological development, the production of innovative products or the introduction of procedural or organizational innovations, the exploitation of research results, the increase of employment, and the creation of jobs of high added value.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Innovation aid for SMEs;
  3. Aid for process and organizational innovation for SMEs and large enterprises;
  4. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  5. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  6. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  7. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  8. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  9. Training aid; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted. 

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

6. Agrofood—Primary production and processing of agricultural products—Fisheries—Aquaculture

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support business activities in primary agricultural production, processing of agricultural products, fisheries, and aquaculture.

All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan.

The subordinated investment plans concern the following areas:

  1. Primary agricultural production, as defined in paragraph 9 of article 2 of the GBER;
  2. The processing of agricultural products, as defined in paragraph 10 of article 2 of the GBER, including investment plans for cotton production and ginning activities, provided that the conditions of article 44 are met, as well as chapter I of Regulation (EU) No. 702/2014 and the “European Union Guidelines on State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas;” and
  3. Fisheries and aquaculture, as provided for in Regulation 1379/2013, without prejudice to the GBER and Regulation 1388/2014, and as determined by the joint ministerial decisions that will be issued for authorization to define a special status framework.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures outside regional aid listed in Annex B to the law, subject to the specific provisions for primary agricultural production, fisheries, and aquaculture:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

7. Manufacturing—Supply chain

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support investment plans in the manufacturing sector, with the exception of the manufacturing of agricultural products for which a special scheme is established, and investment plans in the supply chain sector, with a view to technological, productive, administrative and organizational upgrading, as well as innovative and extrovert development and growth, with a view to strengthen the competitive position of enterprises in the domestic and international market.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. The scheme covers investment plans which fall within the manufacturing sector, except for the processing of agricultural products.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions)
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations

In addition to regional aid, investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible expenditures outside regional aid listed in Annex B to the law, subject to the specific provisions for primary agricultural production, fisheries, and aquaculture:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
Type of aid to be granted Tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).
Evaluation and control procedure

Applications for inclusion are submitted to the General Directorate of Private Investments of the General Secretariat for Private Investments and Public-Private Partnerships within the Ministry of Development and Investments, to the Directorate of Private Investments of the Ministry of Interior, Sector of Macedonia and Thrace, and to the Directorates of Development Planning of the Regions of the country.

Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

8. Business extroversion

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support the investment plans of companies aimed at penetrating new foreign markets by exporting their products or services.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. The scheme covers investment plans that carry out business extroversion and export activities to a percentage specified in the tendering decision.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Training aid; and
  3. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.  
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.  
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted. 

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

9. Aid for investments in tourism

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to grant aid to a wide range of tourism investments, mainly related to the creation, expansion, and modernization of an integrated form of tourist accommodation throughout the territory, with the aim of upgrading the quality of the tourist product.

All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. Subordinated investment plans involve the following:

  1. Establishment or expansion of hotel units of a category of at least four stars;
  2. Modernization of an integrated form of hotel units that belong or are upgraded to a category of at least three stars, after five years from the start of operation of the unit or from the date of completion of the previous investment of modernization of an integrated form of the unit, as well as modernization of non-main tourist accommodations, provided that they are upgraded to a category of at least three stars;
  3. Expansion and modernization of an integrated form of hotel units that have ceased their operation, provided that during the interruption period there has been no change of use of the building and that, through the expansion or modernization of an integrated form, they are upgraded to a category of at least four stars;
  4. Establishment, expansion, and modernization of an integrated form of tourist organized camping, which belongs or is upgraded to a category of at least three stars;
  5. Establishment and modernization of an integrated form of hotel units within traditional or listed buildings, which belong or are upgraded to a category of at least three stars;
  6. Establishment, expansion, and modernization of complex tourist accommodations, as defined in Law 4276/2014 (A' 155), which are submitted as single plans, not including the buildings and facilities to be transferred or leased on a long-term basis;
  7. Establishment and modernization of non-main tourist accommodations, provided that they:
    1. Bear the distinctive title “hostel;”
    2. Are implemented within traditional settlements in one of the following areas:
      1. Mountainous areas, except for the municipal units of the urban complex of Athens;
      2. Areas up to 30 km from the border; or
      3. Islands with a population of less than 3,100 inhabitants;
    3. Are classified in a category of five keys, according to decision no. 12868/2018 (B' 3119) of the Minister of Tourism; and
    4. Maintain a minimum number of 20 rooms to let; and
  8. Establishment, expansion, and modernization of condo hotels, as defined in Law 4276/2014, provided that the transfer or long-term lease of enhanced parts thereof takes place after the termination of compliance with the long-term obligations of the investment entity. 
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the business plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
Type of aid to be granted Tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

10. Alternative tourism

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support tourism investments related to alternative forms of tourism and aims to exploit and highlight the specific characteristics of the country's regions, such as geographical, social, cultural, and religious characteristics.

All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. The investment plans covered by the scheme include the following facilities:

  1. Special tourist infrastructure, such as conference centers, golf courses, tourist ports, ski resorts, theme parks, spa tourism facilities (spa treatment units, thermal spa centers, spa centers), sports tourism training centers, mountain shelters, and motorways, as defined in Law 4276/2014 (A' 155);
  2. Agrotourism, wine tourism, geotourism, or multifunctional farms;
  3. Tourist accommodation in the Glamping countryside; and
  4. Diving tourism, as provided in Law 4688/2020 (A' 101).
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the business plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
Type of aid to be granted Tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings). 
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

11. Large investments

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support large investment plans in economic sectors where their implementation will have significant effects on local economies.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. Investment plans include those with a total budget of eligible expenditure greater than EUR 15 million but exclude those covered by aid schemes for agri-food (primary production and manufacturing of agricultural products), fisheries, and support for tourism investment and alternative forms of tourism.
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the business plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs;
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities;
  11. Aid for research and development;
  12. Innovation aid for SMEs; and
  13. Aid for process and organizational innovation for SMEs and large enterprises.
Type of aid to be granted Tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

12. European value chains

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to strengthen all investment plans included in the sectors that constitute European value chains, to achieve economies of scale, to improve the quality of the products and services produced, to make effective the coordination of the supply chain, and to create conditions for enhancing extroversion.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan that is within the scope of European strategic value chains (microelectronics, high performance computers, batteries, interconnected and autonomous vehicles, cybersecurity, personalized medicine and health, low carbon industry, hydrogen, internet).
Eligible expenditure

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  7. Training aid;
  8. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities;
  9. Innovation aid for SMEs; and
  10. Aid for process and organizational innovation for SMEs and large enterprises.
The investment plans may also receive aid for eligible expenditure of an exclusively non-regional nature from other parts of the GBER 651/2014.
Type of aid to be granted Cash grant, tax exemption, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes all the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted.
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the direct evaluation method.

13. 360o entrepreneurship

Purpose The purpose of the scheme is to support all investment plans within the scope of the new law, except for specific categories for which special schemes are established, and that involve the implementation of initial investments and the possibility of incurring additional costs, for the benefit of business initiatives and the national economy.
Beneficiaries All legal entities, as provided in the general rules of the law (article 13), that intend to implement an eligible investment plan. All investment plans are included, except those covered by agri-food aid schemes (primary production and processing of agricultural products), fisheries, manufacturing—supply chain, and support for tourism investment and alternative forms of tourism.
Eligible costs

The investment plans may receive aid for the following eligible regional expenditures for initial investment:

  1. Construction, extension, and modernization of building facilities and special and auxiliary building installations, as well as landscaping of the surrounding area;
  2. Purchase and installation of new modern machinery and other equipment, including technical installations and means of transport moving within the premises of the production unit;
  3. Purchase of some or all of the existing fixed assets of a closed production unit (subject to certain conditions);
  4. Leasing of new modern machinery and other equipment, provided that the equipment becomes the property of the lessee at the end of the contract; and
  5. Modernization costs of special installations (not related to buildings) and mechanical installations.

In addition to regional aid, the investment plans covered by this scheme may be supported for the following categories of eligible costs other than regional aid listed in Annex B to the law:

  1. Aid for consultancy in favor of SMEs (for new SMEs only);
  2. Aid for energy efficiency measures;
  3. Aid for high-efficiency cogeneration from renewable energy sources;
  4. Aid for production of energy from renewable sources;
  5. Aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling;
  6. Aid for remediation of contaminated sites;
  7. Aid for waste recycling and re-utilization;
  8. Training aid;
  9. Aid for SMEs for participation in fairs; and
  10. Aid for employment-disadvantaged workers and workers with disabilities.
Type of aid to be granted Tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, and subsidy for costs incurred to create employment. For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid includes the above incentives, except cash grants.
Aid intensity

For micro and small enterprises, the aid is granted at the maximum rate of the regional aid map. Grants are provided at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).  

For medium-sized and large enterprises, the aid is granted at 80% of the regional aid map aid intensity, except for special categories, for which 100% is granted (90% in the case of listed buildings).
Evaluation process Applications are evaluated using the benchmarking method.

Common rules for state aid schemes

Below is a summary of the most important common rules of Law 4887/2022, as defined in articles 1 through 30.

What is the scope of an eligible investment plan?

Investment plans for regional aid covered by the aid schemes must be integrated in an “initial investment” and must address any of the following:

  1. Creation of a new establishment;
  2. Extension of the capacity of an existing establishment;
  3. Diversification of the output of an establishment into products not previously produced in the establishment, provided that the investment plan budget exceeds at least 200% of the book value of the diversified assets in the fiscal year before the investment plan commenced; or
  4. Fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing establishment, provided the eligible expenditure is greater than the total depreciation of the assets related to the investment plan for the three years before the plan commenced.

Who are the beneficiaries?

The beneficiaries of the aid are undertakings in one of the following legal forms:

  1. Société Anonyme;
  2. Limited Liability Company;
  3. Partnership (O.E., E.E.);
  4. Private Capital Company;
  5. Sole proprietorship;
  6. Social Cooperative Enterprise;
  7. Private sector cooperative;
  8. A company in the process of being established or being merged, with the publication process completed;
  9. Official consortium of undertakings; or
  10. Public and municipal enterprises and their subsidiaries (under certain conditions).

What is the minimum amount of an eligible investment plan?

The minimum budget of an eligible investment plan depends on the size of the beneficiary:

Size of enterprise Minimum investment amount (EUR)
Large enterprises 1,000,000
Medium-sized enterprises 500,000
Small enterprises 250,000
Micro enterprises 100,000
Social Cooperative Enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, urban cooperatives, producer groups, and agricultural partnerships 50,000

What is the financial structure of an eligible investment plan?

Each entity contributes to the cost of the investment plan either through its own funds or through external financing; 25% of the aided costs of the investment plan should not include state aid, public support, or benefit.

Which sectors of the economy are eligible?

Eligible investment plans can be in most sectors of the economy, with the following exceptions:

  • Investment plans in the steel, coal, shipbuilding, synthetic fibers, and transport sectors (as well as related infrastructure), energy production, distribution, and infrastructure; and
  • The following activities based on the National Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE) Business Activity Codes (KAD) 2008, with some exceptions.
NACE rev.2 Non-eligible economic activity
02 Forestry and logging
05 Mining of coal and lignite
06  Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas  
07  Mining of metal ores  
08  Other mining and quarrying  



Support activities for oil and gas extraction

Support services for the export of hard coal and in general any activity related to the coal and steel sector

36  Collection, processing  and supply of water, excluding seawater desalination services exclusively using renewable energy systems (RES)
41  Construction of buildings  
42  Civil engineering  
43  Specialized construction activities  
45  Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 
46  Wholesale trade. Investment plans of NACE,, and implemented on the islands for the creation of storage facilities are eligible. Similarly, investment plans of NACE 46.46 – Wholesale Trade in Pharmaceutical Products are eligible, but only for the "business extroversion" aid scheme 
47  Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles  
49  Land and pipeline transport  
52  Warehousing and support activities for transportation, with the exception of (touristic port services—marinas), (water airports operation services), (transportation services with supply chain management—logistics), and (parking services), which are eligible  
55  Accommodations, with the exceptions included in the "aid for tourism investments" and "alternative forms of tourism" schemes, which are eligible  
56  Food and beverage service activities
64  Financial service activities
65  Insurance, reinsurance, and pension funding
66  Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities  
68  Real estate activities
69  Legal and accounting activities  
70  Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities  
71  Architectural and engineering activities. Exceptionally, investment plans of NACE 71.20 for technical testing and analysis enterprises are eligible, but only for the "research and applied innovation" scheme  
73  Advertising and market research
75  Veterinary activities  
77  Rental and leasing activities  
78  Employment activities
79  Travel agency, tour operator, and other reservation services and related activities
80  Security and investigation activities  
81  Services for buildings and landscaping activities
82  Office administrative, office support, and other business support activities  
84  Public administration and defense; compulsory social security
85  Education
86  Human health activities, excluding investment plans for health tourism and medical tourism (recovery and rehabilitation centers, provision of Supported Living Accommodations for People with Disabilities, provision of services for homes for the elderly (NACE, which are eligible
87  Accommodation assistance activities, excluding investment plans for health tourism and medical tourism (recovery and rehabilitation centers, provision of Supported Living Accommodations for People with Disabilities, provision of services for nursing homes (NACE, which are eligible
88  Social care activities without accommodations
90  Creative, arts, and entertainment activities
91  Libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural activities, with the exception of NACE 91.01.11 (library services) and NACE 91.02 (museum activities), which are eligible
92  Gambling and betting activities
93  Sports activities and amusement and recreational activities, with the exception of NACE (e.g., football pitches, basketball and tennis courts, etc.) and NACE (swimming pools), which are eligible
94  Activities of membership organizations
95  Repair of computers and personal and household goods
96  Other personal service activities. Exceptionally, investment plans of NACE (laundry engineering services) and NACE (laundry ironing services) are eligible
97  Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
98  Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for their own use
99  Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

In certain cases, and based on future ministerial decisions, the following investment plans may participate:

  1. Small hydroelectric stations (up to 15 MW);
  2. High-efficiency energy cogeneration from renewable sources;
  3. Hybrid renewable energy system (RES) stations in the Electrical System of Crete, which are to be put into trial operation until the completion and electrification of the Electrical Interconnection project between Crete and Attica, as well as in the Non-Interconnected Islands;
  4. Heat and cooling production from renewable energy sources;
  5. Energy efficient district heating and cooling systems; and
  6. Production of sustainable biofuels as well as conversion of existing biofuel production plants.

How will the state aid be provided to beneficiaries?

State aid may be provided in the form of a tax exemption, cash grant, leasing subsidy, subsidy for the creation of new employment, and financing of business risk. The state aid may be provided to the beneficiary at the time the investment plan is completed, and productive operations commence, or gradually if the following conditions are fulfilled:

Tax exemption

The beneficiary is entitled to a tax exemption after an audit and approval of the implementation of 50% or 65% of the investment plan budget, with a decision issued within 30 days from the submission of the investment audit report. The beneficiary can utilize the full tax exemption over 15 years from the fiscal year of the entitlement, subject to the following restrictions:

  • The annual tax exemption amount should not exceed 1/3 of the total approved amount of the tax exemption, except in the case of non-full use in previous tax years due to lack of sufficient profits. In that case, any remaining amount of aid from previous tax years shall be added to the above calculated maximum annual amount of aid;
  • The aid to which the interested party is entitled should not exceed 1/3 of the total approved amount of the tax exemption, until the tax year of the decision to complete and start the productive operation of the investment;
  • The amount of the tax exemption for the part of the equipment acquired by leasing shall be determined for each tax year as a percentage of the part of the acquisition value of the equipment contained in the rents paid up to the end of the tax year; and
  • The annual tax exemption amount used appears in the books of the business in a special reserve account and corresponding account consisting of the income tax that was not paid due to the tax exemption provided.
Cash grant

A beneficiary will be entitled, upon request, to receive a cash grant up to 25% of the total approved grant after the competent audit body has certified the implementation of 25% of the total cost of the investment plan. The supporting documents must be submitted with a certificate, i.e., a declaratory act regarding their correctness issued by a certified accountant. A decision will be issued within 30 days of the relevant request being submitted.

The remaining 50% or 65% of the approved grant will be provided to the beneficiary at its request and after the implementation of 50% or 65% of the total cost of the investment plan has been certified by a competent body through an on-site or administrative audit.

The remaining amount of the grant, or its entirety, will be provided after the decision to complete and start the productive operation of the investment.

The amount of the grant will not be deducted from the investment costs to determine taxable profits.

The cash grant will be paid electronically directly to the bank account of the beneficiary and cannot be made to a third party, except in the case of the assignment of the grant to banking institutions for the provision of an equal short-term loan used exclusively for the implementation of the investment plan.
Leasing subsidy

The first payment of the leasing subsidy will be made after the state auditors certify that all of the leased equipment has been installed according to the lease agreement.

The leasing subsidy will be paid every six months following the payment of the lease installments by the beneficiary. The amount payable will be calculated on the acquisition value of the equipment, which is included in the installments and in accordance with approved state aid rates. The subsidy may not exceed 60% of the approved amount before the completion of the investment plan and the commencement of productive operations.

A beneficiary may be permitted to make advance lease payments during the last 12 months of the lease agreement if approval of the authorities is obtained.

The leasing subsidy will not be deducted from the investment cost in calculating the taxable profits of the beneficiary.
Subsidy for the cost of created employment

The payment of the subsidy will commence after the state auditors certify that the relevant new employment has been created.

The subsidy will be paid every six months following the payment of the relevant salary costs by the beneficiary in accordance with approved state aid rates, and up to 60% of the approved amount before the completion of the investment plan and the commencement of productive operations.
Financing of business risk Applies only to the "new business" scheme and consists of the subsidy of interest-bearing loans of low security or the insurance costs of high-risk loans paid to the credit institutions that grant them.

Specific categories of aid

Increased rates of aid are granted for investment plans carried out in the following areas:

  1. Mountainous areas, according to the categorization of the Hellenic Statistical Authority, except for the municipal units that are part of the Athens urban complex;
  2. Areas located up to 30 km from the country borders;
  3. Islands with a population of less than 3,100 inhabitants;
  4. Industrial and business areas, business parks with the exception of business parks of intermediate degree of organization, technology parks and receptors of innovative activities and organized receptors of manufacturing and business activities, provided that they do not relate to the modernization or expansion of existing structures of the aided enterprise;
  5. Areas affected by natural disasters;
  6. Investments relating to the reopening of industrial plants that have ceased operations, provided that the value of the fixed equipment of the industrial plant to be reopened covers at least 50% of the aided costs; and
  7. Investments implemented in buildings designated as listed buildings.

What is the state aid budget provided?

The total amount of aid per investment plan submitted may not exceed EUR 10 million. The aid granted to each single enterprise may not exceed a cumulative EUR 20 million, or EUR 30 million for a group of enterprises.

Aid Rates

Aid rates, based on the European Commission’s regional state aid guidelines are presented in the Regional Aid Map.


 Regional Unit  Maximum intensity of regional investment aids
Large Sized Businesses Medium Sized Businesses Small Sized Businesses
DRAMA 50% 60% 70%
EVROS 50% 60% 70%
THASSOS, KAVALA 50% 60% 70%
KSANTHI 50% 60% 70%
IMATHIA 50% 60% 70%
KILKIS 50% 60% 70%
PELLA 50% 60% 70%
PIERIA 50% 60% 70%
SERRES 50% 60% 70%
CHALCIDICE 50% 60% 70%
KASTORIA 40% 50% 60%
FLORINA 40% 50% 60%
ARTA, PREVEZA 50% 60% 70%
THESPROTIA 50% 60% 70%
BOEOTIA 40% 50% 60%
EUBOEA 40% 50% 60%
EVRITANIA 40% 50% 60%
FOKIDA 40% 50% 60%
ZANTE 40% 50% 60%
LEFKADA 40% 50% 60%
ILIA 50% 60% 70%
CORINTHIA 40% 50% 60%
REST OR ARCADIA 40% 50% 60%
EAST ATTICA 25% 35% 45%
WEST ATTICA 25% 35% 45%
PIRAEUS, ISLANDS 25% 35% 45%
IKARIA, SAMOS 50% 60% 70%
CHIOS 50% 60% 70%
LASSITHI 40% 50% 60%
RETHIMNO 40% 50% 60%
CHANIA 40% 50%
